tonight though i am stuck at home alone , as usual . i was able to partake in the halloween festivities by transforming one of my good friends , although her costume may not be in the best taste (violence) it was really fun to do . and i think turned out perfect . so i thought i would share bruising is one of my favorite (and easiest ) special effects make-up to do !
well obviously i suck at blogging i never update this thing , i really have zero excuses since my evenings are basically spend alone , while Cory is busy with music stuff and oliver is in bed . ok so what to update , its the day before halloween we carved pumpkins today , went to the ark to swing , nothing super exciting to report . we did hear back from the baby gap contest , i was asked to submit % more photos of him in gap clothes , which is exciting i suppose . ummm other then that i got nothing . so im going to flood this blog with updated pics of the little man and me ! hahah